Human Rights Club

ELOI Ministries is passionate about creating access to justice in our youth. We wish to support this effort by providing opportunities for youth in Vermont and the New England Region. Youth in the program discuss and research various topics relevant to human rights, as well as participate in organizing local efforts to bring attention to any potential impact they see related to the topic. Students are encouraged and supported in creating publications, reaching out to community members, organizing local efforts, participating in community education and awareness. .

2024 Program Kick Off!

Each season, our Youth Advocates in Service (Yas!) team explores a topic of human rights that the participating youth are passionate about.

Yas!, A Human Rights Club by ELOI Ministries, is proud to kick off our 2024 Pilot Season dedicated to the impact of pollution on Human Rights.” The pilot team experiences a full year of programming and have the opportunity to participate in initial program development! 

Participants may also choose the Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter sessions for participation. Youth have the opportunity to create the first yas! service learning trip to our community in Uganda Africa upon completion of the 2024 Winter session.

Are you passionate about the impact of pollution on your community?

Our 2024 pilot program is currently seeking applications to accept up to 3 active youth participants and 1-2 adult advisors.

YAS!(Youth Advocates in Service) A Human Rights Club by ELOI Ministries


Youth participants tackle real world considerations regardinghuman rights in their local communities, immediate region, andglobally. Youth in the program help plan, organize, and fundraisea regional trip, allowing our Youth Advocates to explore firsthand acomparison of other areas to their own community.


As a part of participation students engage in an overview ofobtaining and representing accountability, boundaries andcommunication to create a safe and empowered platform to dive intomeaningful conversations and discoveries about human rights topics,all while maintaining an inclusive environment that allows allparticipants to have a sense of belonging



If you would like to learn more about this exciting opportunityplease contact us using the form below to start a conversation. Welook forward to talking to you.


Stay Tuned!!!!! Beginning in the Summer of 2024 we will be sendingout a quarterly newsletter and posting regularly on our yas! ELOI blog. If you are a student or professional who would like to volunteeryour time to help us with our social media, please get in touch! Weneed you on our team.

You can give today

Join a community of compassionate individuals who are dedicated to serving those in need and creating positive change. Your time and efforts will leave a lasting impact and create memories that will warm your heart forever.