Living Conditions in U.S Immigration Detention Centers

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Photo credits to LO S FRESNO S, TX, UNITED STATES Photo by Charles Reed U.S. Im m igration and Custom s Enforcement

Living conditions are difficult at detention centers. You will likely be transported to a detention center in handcuffs and sometimes in shackles. Many of your personal belongings will be taken away, and you will be assigned a specific bed.

Many immigration detention centers are located inside jails operated by the federal or state government and hold immigration detainees with civil (not criminal) charges along with people who have been convicted or accused of crimes. It is difficult to determine how long you will remain in the detention center. In some situations, ICE may give you a bond (an amount of money to pay to secure your release) or release you on certain conditions, such as appearing at ICE for check-ins or wearing an ankle monitor, you would be lucky to have this arrangement most don’t even get a chance. It can be difficult and expensive to make phone calls from a detention center. Some provide phones with which to make free calls to designated legal aid groups and others allow detainees to make collect calls only (so that the person you are calling must agree to pay for the call before you are connected to them). ELOIMINISTRIES Inc advocates for legal alternatives to detention methods and improvement in the immigration system of this country. If you feel compassion and empathy for people serving indefinite sentences without crime like our President did in the US immigration detention centers under ICE, support us to create a difference through our interventions.

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  • VERMONT 05446-USA

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