Our efforts to enhance the lives of immigrants in and after detention has made a tremendous impact of the lives of so many and you can be apart of those making it possible. We welcome you to make a contribution in different ways.
We know that not all support is financial and we would love to have you do some voluntary work with us in USA or Uganda. Your presence makes it possible to achieve our goals.
You can also donate (we are a 501(c) 3, so all your donations are tax deductible). We also accept in kind donations like clothes, shoes, and or any other items.
To be released from the detention center under any circumstances, one must have someone responsible to receive them. Give hope to an immigrant today by becoming a Sponsor.
You may host an immigrant who has been released from Detention or whose time of living at the immigrant shelter is expired. This involves feeding him and sharing or giving him a shelter among other things.
Join a community of compassionate individuals who are dedicated to serving those in need and creating positive change. Your time and efforts will leave a lasting impact and create memories that will warm your heart forever.
We appreciate your interest in ELOI Ministries and our efforts to address the needs of young people who are struggling with drug addiction and new Americans who are being detained in immigration detention facilities.